Big Project

Every year, ENF creates a BIG PROJECT – a new piece that brings together professional and community musicians to devise a performance as part of the main festival programme.

Every Big Project is inspired by an aspect of local life, history or landscape. In 2016 we remembered those from the East Neuk who gave their lives in World War I on the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. In 2017 it was our mining community; in 2018 we remember this lost at sea. In 2022 we had  THUNDERPLUMP! A great word, no? It means “a heavy, thundery shower that seems to come from nowhere and soaks you in seconds.” (Thank you @susie_dent for introducing us to it.) It got us thinking about what a huge part the weather place in our lives in the East Neuk. Every kind of weather, not just the glorious sunshine… So we asked David Behrens to create a set of short films encapsulating different kinds of weather, and Neil Brand to lead a cast of Fife musicians aged 7 to over 70, including players from Fife Youth Jazz Orchestra,  Tullis Russell Mills Band, St Andrews Music Participation and The Wallace Collection to create soundtracks for them.

We will announce the  Big Project for 2025 very soon!